Preface to What These Global Sustainable Development Writings Contain
This document advocates global sustainable development. It explores the dynamic changes needed to transition global human society towards a sustainable future. Any proposal for such an immense transformation of our political, economic, and technological infrastructures must answer the questions of why, how, and when. Here we focus mostly on why, with some discussion on how, and answer when with one word: NOW! We employ this focus because neither the public nor our policy-makers are responding adequately to the worsening unsustainable conditions that are pushing the human ecosystem to the brink of a cascade collapse. We cannot blindly use the same business-as-usual approach to resolve this situation, because that approach is he one that generated it! By the same token, without a thorough recognition of this situation and a comprehensive, sciencebased understanding of the dynamics causing the deterioration, we will not learn how to efficiently pursue sustainable development on a global scale. Ironically, however, we do know what needs to be changed. We also have most of the knowledge, methods, and strategies to make the changes. Despite this we still lack an integration of this combined knowledge, packaged and available to sufficiently raise the public’s awareness in order to gain the commitment of governing bodies, and to secure the collective cooperation necessary to pursue global sustainable development. This document advocates global Sustainable Development by exploring the dynamic changes needed to transition human society towards a sustainable future for the generations to follow. As such, it inspires to reinforce and help integrate the great quantity of other voices heard and not heard singing for Social Justice and Planetary Stability.