6.8. How might the Human Society Evolve This section presents an abbreviated discussion on the prospects for the future of our Social Capital, that are obviously beyond the scope of this section article, but the informative in this and other Chapters provide information, actions and concepts that should help as reinforcing evidence towards the ongoing activities and polices related to a transiton goal of sustainability. The preceding arguments in previous chapters have painted a rather dismal picture for future generations. Here we focus on what we, as individuals can concentrate on raising our, cooperative consciousness and will to reorient our governments navigate through the five major crises: renewable energy, resource consumption, climate change, economic inequality, population growth and global peace to arrive at a sustainable condition. We argue against Business As Usual (BAU)and for Sustainable Development (SD) simply on the grounds of common sense and on moral prerogative. 6.8a Is Our Governance Gambling for a Better Future? Yes, it is and with a high risk of losing. Unless our human instinct for cooperation of hope becomes sufficiently planted in our consciousness such that we gain conviction of the importance and urgency of our current situation; and that we recognize that it is our responsibility’.to join an ‘all hands on deck’ response that will be needed to constructively and with a reassurance that we do have the expertise and knowhow to design and implement proper action plans to achieve preventive solutions to all the seventeen goals expressed by the United Nations fn.(Of course, this sounds impossible I agree but so did Pearl Harbor! The positive aspect of this statement is that, if there is more than a~50% of the public that can comprehend and have the will to share by contributing what they can for the resolution of these goals. Such an effort would incite a contagion causing a near-unanimous calling for implementation of a science-based action by all sectors of their governance with a self-imposed conviction to cooperate in whatever manner they can. this acceptance hasn’t happened yet!! We note, that the scientific understanding in the UN was available in the seventies and has grown in the US albeit too slowly until mid decade when finally imported political discussions and actually partially implemented during the Obama Administration. Unfortunately for the world the succeeding president ignored the implementation of these actions and effectively set back global attention and progress and practically doubling the cost of future success.
6.8b. Do Policymakers and Public Understand the Effects of Disturbances on Complex Systems? Probably Not enough. In ecology, a disturbance can be a or Shock or an enduring Stress, both of which can causes pronounced changes in a ecosystem. The complexity of the current crises requires an understanding how these crises are combining to create mega Stress disturbances to both the Human System and to Natural Systems, The first important step should be to identify the causal chains between internal connections leading between internal components, and all the indirect and indirect impacts they generated These casual chains can trigger a sequence of further impacts on other components of the system, such as lack of education, because of low wages suppresses opportunities for economic upward mobility. Of such as the changing Climate is doing by inducing: wildfires by drought, flooding by excess rain, hurricanes by warmer oceans.. The human system itself as a part of the Biosphere, also can produce devastating disturbances to itself in repercussion to direct abuses of the Biosphere: on, such as, over harvesting clearcutting, damming, impervious ground covering, fires, herbicides, introduction of invasive species, and most of all species extinction.
6.8c. Both humans and other life are self-reproducing and are subject to the slow process of biological evolution to survive and to to slow changes in their biospheric niche. These slow adaptations are genetic and effectively they allow them to self-correct to improve their species’ resilience in their ecosystem. . Humans have a much greater consciousness that allows them to control their behavior including their interactions with Natural-Capital Components, for good, bad or mutualistic .Modern Democratic governance allows its society to assume the responsibility for caring and controlling Natural Capital within certain limits, which are turning out to be mostly destructive; that is, more for beneficial for economy than for preservation.. The governmental check on this abusive situation is left to the social responsibility of the public to protest and seek legal restrictions on abusive use of natural capital which is often a difficult debate between the value of consuming or conserving the particular component of natural capital in question. Note, such cost-benefit evaluations are rarely done fairly.
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6.8b. Do Policymakers and Public Understand the Effects of Disturbances on Complex Systems? Probably Not enough. In ecology, a disturbance can be a or Shock or an enduring Stress, both of which can causes pronounced changes in a ecosystem. The complexity of the current crises requires an understanding how these crises are combining to create mega Stress disturbances to both the Human System and to Natural Systems, The first important step should be to identify the causal chains between internal connections leading between internal components, and all the indirect and indirect impacts they generated These casual chains can trigger a sequence of further impacts on other components of the system, such as lack of education, because of low wages suppresses opportunities for economic upward mobility. Of such as the changing Climate is doing by inducing: wildfires by drought, flooding by excess rain, hurricanes by warmer oceans.. The human system itself as a part of the Biosphere, also can produce devastating disturbances to itself in repercussion to direct abuses of the Biosphere: on, such as, over harvesting clearcutting, damming, impervious ground covering, fires, herbicides, introduction of invasive species, and most of all species extinction.
6.8c. Both humans and other life are self-reproducing and are subject to the slow process of biological evolution to survive and to to slow changes in their biospheric niche. These slow adaptations are genetic and effectively they allow them to self-correct to improve their species’ resilience in their ecosystem. . Humans have a much greater consciousness that allows them to control their behavior including their interactions with Natural-Capital Components, for good, bad or mutualistic .Modern Democratic governance allows its society to assume the responsibility for caring and controlling Natural Capital within certain limits, which are turning out to be mostly destructive; that is, more for beneficial for economy than for preservation.. The governmental check on this abusive situation is left to the social responsibility of the public to protest and seek legal restrictions on abusive use of natural capital which is often a difficult debate between the value of consuming or conserving the particular component of natural capital in question. Note, such cost-benefit evaluations are rarely done fairly.
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