Growth Sequence that might help Human Society Evolve?
7.1a.This section presents an abbreviated discussion on the prospects for the future of our Social Capital, which is obviously beyond the scope of this article, but the information in this and other Chapters provide information, actions and concepts that should help as reinforcing evidence towards the ongoing activities and polices related to a comprehensive goal of sustainability. The preceding arguments in previous chapters have painted a rather dismal picture for future generations. Here we focus on what we, as individuals can concentrate on raising our, cooperative will efficiently, to help our governments navigate through the five major crises: renewable energy, resource consumption, climate change, economic inequality, population growth and global peace to arrive at a sustainable condition. We argue against BAU and for SD simply on common sense and on moral prerogative.
7.1b. Is Our Society Gambling for a Better Future? Yes, It is, and with a high risk of losing. Unless our human instinct of hope and for cooperation becomes sufficiently planted in our consciousness such that we gain conviction of the importance, and urgency of our current situation; and that we recognize that it is our responsibility’.to join an ‘all hands on deck’ response that will be needed to constructively and with a reassurance that we do have the expertise and knowhow to design and implement proper action plans to achieve preventive solutions to all the seventeen goals expressed by the United Nations.fn. (Of course, this sounds impossible .I agree but so did Pearl Harbor! The positive aspect of this statement is that, if there is more than a~50% of the public that can comprehend and have the will to share by contributing what they can for the resolution of these goals. Such an effort would incite a contagion causing a near-unanimous calling for implementation of a science-based action by all sectors of their governance with a self-imposed conviction to cooperate in whatever manner they canfn. But this acceptance hasn’t happened yet!!
7.1c. “Ah ,there is the rub!” Is it the lack of comprehension and a hesitant will to change? We should heed Jefferson’s quote: “I look to the diffusion of light and education as the resource most to be relied on for ameliorating the conditions, promoting the virtue and advancing the happiness of man.” With a lack of comprehension, abstract threats, whether true or not act as a threat amplifier that feeds panic and wrong responses. If responding to a proposed major change appears too difficult, a burden, or unnecessary it is likely to lose its priority status.. Response to an abstract threats tend to be skeptical or false, as with Climate ..Deniers (see Chap. 2.3). But if one believes it is true having heard second hand from someone one doesn’t know is foreign and difficult that something is false but attractive becomes quickly accepted and difficult to reverse until its truth reaches a threshold level of comprehension, after which acceptance of its truth can grow exponentially. The negative aspect of this statement is that sufficient comprehension is not an on-off achievement, instead it depends heavily on an one’s education, non-political attitude, job related biases, religious beliefs, peer pressure, etc. to comprehend the rational and urgency sufficiently to decide how to vote on and issue. For issues involving sustainability both the issue and its solution are subjected to through a bottom up .process and with multidisciplinary, coordination. This type approach could exist, but is not possible with the current US administration’s fn. lack of political will that seriously obstructs the public’s view on Climate Change. According to the Pew Research: “Among the nations we surveyed, the U.S. has the highest carbon emissions per capita, but it’s among the least concerned about climate change and its potential impact”.
7.1d. Both the public and policy need to have an awareness of each of these mega- threatening Disturbances and the combined impacts, the solutions of which seem to be lost in political uncertainty. Without a boarder understanding of them from appropriate scientific, social, experts, educators, and journalists, the public and politicians will not have the knowhow and conviction needed to action . Certainly the Climate and Energy crises should be known by all and considered as double National Security Issues because of its urgency and complexity that will require a fully multidisciplinary effort to formulate and implement a Crises Avoidance Action Plan that is cooperative, and integrated throughout all active global governing components. Preferably in conjunction with international network (UN) that acts to make available Global problems, solutions, data, simulation models, and monitoring progress through, for examples the UN international network for Climate Change . Opportunities for individuals or groups to help reversing the emissions, are compiled by Paul Hawkin et al. 2017. ’”The 100 Most Substantive Solutions To Reverse Global Warming, Based on Meticulous Research by Leading Scientists and Policymakers Around the World”.
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